Excel Paris Lip Cream’s New Look

Beauty & Style

My blog won’t be complete without lip products post in it. Today I am showcasing the new look of Excel Matte Lip Creams (the box said ‘Lip Gloss’).

I got a box of 24 last December from Beyond Stylish OnlineShoppe. I wanted to send this as a gift and I was just curious about the new colors.

When it arrived I let my colleagues picked the colors they want just as long they will leave me with all the colors.

The new look made the lip cream look more classy than its previous packaging.

It has twelve colors ranging from nude, pink, purple, and red.

My sister get a hold of it and sold it to her officemates. I also gave up some of the colors that I am sure I will not use.

This lip cream could be one of my cheap thrills because it does have a good color pay off. It easy to remove if you put lip balm first.

I also liked the color range except for the Purple Barney color that made me look like an alien.

As for the swatches,

My favorite would be number 02, 05, and 08. I haven’t tried all of them and I did not get the swatch using my lips because I might have a torn lips afterwards. hihi

This box costs PHP530 and can be retailed for PHP50 or higher. If my sister and her officemates demand again for this I will not hesitate to buy it.

So how do you like my new way I presented my blog photos? My photo/light box made a big difference when it comes to their presentation. I wanted to keep it this way.

Oh well, I have to go (meeting again) and might post another lip product later.


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