Pampanga Tour: Clark Museum

Destination Food & Places

One of my favorite things to do when I visit a place is to at least check their museums. I am fascinated how they found and preserve anything they displayed there.

During our tour, our first call to order was to visit the Clark Museum. We watch the history of Pampanga in 4D. I felt like I was in Universal Studio because of the water, vibration, and smoke effects.

Clark Museum 2

It was great approach to showcase a history in a non boring way. From how it is when it was converted in to a US Military based to Mt. Pinatubo eruption, to its recovery to a modern city we all know.

Clark Museum 3
Clark Museum 4
Roommates – Gab, Aaron, Me-an, Azrael

After the movie, we were given a time to further see the history at the museum. The display items were focus on cultural highlights as well as its progression.

Clark Museum 5
Clark Museum 6
Clark Museum 7
Clark Museum 8
Clark Museum 9
Clark Museum 10

My mind is fed how rich a single province could be. I wish all province will have something similar to showcase where they from and what they got. Not only it preserves the history , it also serves as an educational piece for locals and generations.

Clark Sam2
Photo by Aaron Nomo

I highly recommend stopping by to this place especially if you have kids.

Super thanks to Clark Tourism Board for accommodating us and of course to Pampanga Bloggers Society for inviting me to join this tour.

Read my Pampanga Food Crawl here

  1. Apag Marangle
  2. Dainty Asian Cuisine
  3. Angeles Fried Chicken
  4. Susie’s Kitchen

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