Sample size first before Full Size | Sample Room

Haul & Shops

Subscription boxes are growing like mushrooms in the Philippines now and when I heard about Sample Room my initial thoughts are “another box eh?”. They all aim to solve our problem of buying a product (expensive products) and end up regretting it. I am one of the shoppers who seldom wastes money purchasing products that is not suitable for me.

Sample Room is born to solve that problem.

Sample Room Cover

Try before you buy.

Sample Room is a sampling site that banks on the power of free product sampling. It is an online community that changes your beauty-shopping pattern; and an interactive community where your opinions matter and where all beauty lovers are valued.


You don’t need to:

  • Take a risk at a full-sized product that may not work for you or may give you an allergic reaction
  • Rely on reviews alone that might not jive with your skin type (as you get to try the product yourself)
  • Waste money on a product that might not work for you.

You will be able to:

  • Patch-test, and road-test the product you are interested in purchasing- if the product suits you and works well with your skin
  • Experience the product, and decide after finishing a sample size if the product is right for you
  • Read reviews from consumers who have the same skin type as yours
  • Enjoy your purchase, as it is a well-researched and well-informed purchase. Definitely value for your money!

Still confuse?

Here’s how it works:


You will have a product to test and be engaged in an online community where you will be able to share your pros and cons about the chosen sample. You will earn points by doing so and get another sample all for free. Of course you will shoulder the shipping fee which is very minimal.

The power lies in our hands and we will never have another purchase regret again.

Are you excited about this? They will launch this November (my birthday month) so if you want to be updated go to their website and subscribe to their mailing list.

I am very excited to get my samples. **


Check them here:



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